Fears, Tears, and the Goodness of God

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 WOW ITS COLD!! If you are in Iowa or north of here, you know exactly how cold it is.  I am sitting in a small coffee house in Pleasantville Iowa writing you all an update that I hope will warm you up to the knowledge that God is good, all the time!

I don’t know what your last 5-6 weeks have been like.  I hope they have been joyful and good.  That the Lord has blessed you and that his favor has shined on your family as it has mine.  What I am about to share will seem like anything but joyful, but I want to let you know that the joy of the Lord is our strength.

On Jan 2 when I wrote my last update, I did not mention the trial my family was already walking through.  My Grandfather, Bobby Albright, had been told he had but a few weeks to live.  We knew the end was near as his kidneys were failing in his 85 year old body. We laid him to rest last week and memories of my childhood with Grandpa flooded my mind.  I was so blessed to get to visit him a number of times over the 4 weeks before his passing, and he was ushered into glory two weeks ago today. Grandpa was a first generation Christian.  Saved through the ministry of Saylorville church ( the church I grew up in and was discipled in my youth) when he was only 15 years old.  70 years later, he got to meet king Jesus.  My grandfather was not a perfect man, but his influence led to my father being saved, who then led me to Jesus in 1990.  When I asked others to pray for opportunities to share Jesus, I can say definitively that with his passing, I have been able to share Christ with a number of unbelievers in my community.  They are shocked at my lack of sadness and great joy, because I know I will see my grandpa again. And thus the door of the gospel is open to share. Even in the midst of mourning.

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On Jan 10th, Debbie was in a car accident and suffered a back injury.  Pray for her, that she would continue to heal, and that the doctors and chiropractor would treat her according to wisdom.  She is showing great progress and we are hopeful for a full recovery. Back pain or no, we still celebrated her birthday and are so thankful for her! She is a great mom and wife. She had more cards on the fridge from friends and family than I think any of us get!

God has blessed us with a number of opportunities to share our passion for Peru with several churches, small groups and individuals.  As I reported last month, IF all donors begin giving as promised, we would be above 50%.  Not all have begun giving as promised, but we trust that God will move them to fulfill their promises soon.  There are already several others who have committed and begun giving.  At present, IF all fulfill their commitments, we are now just over the 60% mark of monthly needed support. Believe it or not, that’s ten percent in just over a month! Pray that the progress continues as we earnestly desire to be on South American soil this year.


               So pray with us!

1.      Opportunities to continue sharing the gospel

2.      Healing in Debbie’s back

3.      Opportunities to finish support raising/ fulfilled comitments


Tamales and Jesus!


New Year, Same Goal