Leaving on a Jet Plane

Can you believe it? The time has come!

Debbie and I were so blessed to round out our financial support with 3 final churches and 4 additional individuals. Nearly all of whom are in Iowa. What a blessing! We were able to get into and finalize a required class and start getting final approvals. We have had medical evaluations that checked out, were able to visit family in Michigan, and even booked some tickets. July 26th 2022 is the day. And by God’s grace we will be off to Lima.

There has been so much it would be crazy to share it all, but I want to highlight one thing that has been such a blessing from God, through you, to our family. When we left our agency’s home office at the onset of our support raising, we were asked this question: “Where will you seek support for your ministry to Peru?”

It’s crazy to imagine but that thought had not yet crossed my mind. I remember replying honestly with “Wherever the Lord leads.” As Debbie and I left, we began talking about it. We are 2 Iowa kids, born and raised here in Iowa. We met at college, in Iowa. We have served and done business, in Iowa. And most of our immediate family is from Iowa. So where would we go? Well I guess lets start with Iowa. We began praying that God would raise our support from home. Right here in Iowa. And God did what only God does. He answers those prayers. 95% of all the support we needed comes from right here in Iowa.

Many of you have asked for the breakdown, so here goes! There are 16 churches, 4 businesses, and 61 individual supporters that God has raised up to see the people of Peru served with the gospel, all from Iowa. There are an additional 4 individuals outside of Iowa but hey, not bad!(we love our out of state folks:) We traveled outside of Iowa several times. But God has so blessed us with this gift. The gift of shorter travel distances, less hours shared with the windshield and more time, sharing life with people here. And we love our Iowa people. May God use your faithful prayer and generosity from Iowa to make an eternal impact. We thank you all and are blessed by you, more than you know.

As we say goodby to family and friends here, we know we are not leaving in vain. We give as a family and you give as a partner in the work of the gospel in Peru. We seek a home not built or fashioned by human hands but an eternal home, built by God, filled with His people from all corners of the earth. May your kindness, prayer, and generosity continue as we leave. May God bless you as you share in the joy and eternal reward with us.


Cole and Debbie

PS- Pray for us:

  1. That our shipping container will get a departure date this week. (already 4 weeks behind)

  2. That our family would make the transition well.

  3. That God would prepare the hearts of those who need to be saved.


Hello from the Other Side!


Are we there yet?